Cyprus’ All-Inclusive &
Guaranteed Surrogacy Program

Affordable surrogacy with uncompromising quality and a family-like feel…

Only Love Matters

At Gaia Fertility we believe that everyone is entitled to a family and has designed a surrogacy program suitable for all intended parents regardless of status catering to heterosexual, same- sex or single prospective parents, including those of advanced age.

All Inclusive Experience

We are proudly able to offer a no-wait, guaranteed and all-inclusive surrogacy experience providing the benefit of reputable IVF in Cyprus with a unique model of surrogate care, legal accompaniment, and comprehensive intended parent support from start to finish, all under one roof.

Multilingual Assistance

Specifically for our international intended parents, we have in place a referral network of professionals, ready to assist you in all matters and legalities, these languages include, English, Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Arabic speaking coordinators
always on hand.

Our Stories

Our Program includes

Locating and careful screening of surrogate carriers

No-wait policy for donors/surrogates

Full compensation of surrogate carriers

Egg or sperm donation including medication

IVF + Embryo transfer

Free frozen embryo storage for 2.5 years

PGD (5 chromosome/ genetic test for embryos prior to implantation)

Surrogate insurance

Legal fees in relation to surrogacy contract and birth certificate issuance

NICU care if needed

Personal coordinator to meet every need along the way

*Gender Selection and extra genetic testing is available upon request at an additional cost (eg. Recombine, Karyotype, Veracity: genetic tests for embryos prior to implantation)

Our Personal Touch

Gaia Fertility knows just how overwhelming and challenging the surrogacy process is. During the many months of waiting, prospective parents find themselves both excited and anxious and dependent on a variety of outside factors, they, therefore, seek security and maximum control over the process.

To help ease this process, we accompany prospective parents in a comprehensive way from start to finish. Our all-inclusive philosophy provides security and stability throughout this period of transition, which can be both exciting and stressful at the same time. We believe your fertility journey deserves personal and sensitive care and that the best way to assist prospective parents is to ensure that they have a dedicated team working with them each step of the way.

Let us welcome you in Cyprus and arrange a personal one-day assessment for you at our clinic. We are there holding your hand until your baby is firmly embraced by yours…

Our Medical Facilities

Our modern, state-of-the-art clinic is equipped with the latest technology in the field of ART, and we work closely alongside a professional, experienced medical team of dedicated doctors, embryologists, nurses & coordinators.

Our well-known fertility specialists boast over 20 years of experience & 28,000 successful IVF cycles. In the past 13 years, our team has helped countless families grow through surrogacy. We are proud of our success rate – 76%!

Reach Out to Us

When you are ready to discuss your fertility plans, we will be here.

© Copyright 2018 - Gaia Fertility

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