Our Gaia Fertility Cyprus ROPA Program

Gaia Fertility, located in Cyprus, offers a wide range of services when facing fertility issues or the need for a specific solution, one of them being our ROPA program.

• What is ROPA?
ROPA stands for Reception of Oocytes from the Partner. It allows lesbian couples to have a child via shared motherhood.
In the ROPA program, both women participate in the process as one woman contributes her oocytes while the other woman contributes with her uterus.
The program is intended for same-sex female couples whose dream is to have a baby and become active participants in the whole process. At Gaia Fertility, we guarantee:

• The Best Results:
76-80% of the couples who seek our help become pregnant.
• The Latest Technology:
State of the art clinic with latest techniques, experienced team of embryologists
• The Proper Care:
couples we helped recommend us due to our close care and support during the whole process. We provide coordination from the initial enquiry until you hold your baby in your arms
• Price & Quality:
We provide the best available options within your budget, our dedicated team care about building families, this is why we offer the best service and it comes from the bottom of our hearts.
• The Procedure of Our ROPA Program:
Our Program depends on the fact that both women are going to share in the In Vitro Fertilization process actively. One woman will be the genetic mother and the other will be the gestational mother.
The program is formed of three main steps.

1. Pharmacologically:
The woman contributing with her oocytes will be provided with conventional IVF treatment. The treatment aims to stimulate her ovaries to produce follicles to reach the optimal number of oocytes. She will be followed up by all means including U/S scans and blood tests, as well as ovarian function tests.
Both women receive pharmacological treatment.

The woman contributing with her uterus will be provided with treatment to prepare her uterus and make it a warm place for the foetus. She takes hormonal treatment, such as oestrogens and progesterone, to reach the proper endometrium thickness for the implantation of the embryo.

When the follicles reach the optimal size, the mature oocytes are extracted from the ovaries in a quick and safe procedure performed under sedation.

2. Preparing Sperm:
We keep chosen sperm samples frozen and well-preserved. The samples belong to anonymous donors. You are able to choose from our vast database, supplied from internationally renowned sperm banks, and we coordinate the couriering process for you.

We prepare the sperm in our labs and choose carefully the best sperm for the fertilization process.
The sperm cells and oocytes are combined together providing them with the optimal environment for the fertilization process.

3. Embryo creation & Transfer of the Embryo:
The fertilized oocyte remains in the lab under observation until the day of transfer. Once the uterus of the gestational mother becomes prepared for the embryo implantation, we select the top quality embryo and implant them inside the uterus. It is a quick, painless process that is performed without any kind of anesthesia or recovery.
After 2 weeks, the gestational mother will be tested to confirm that she is pregnant.

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