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Surrogacy for HIV positive in Albania

Albania doesn’t have any rules or regulations regarding surrogacy as of now. So, anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, can pursue a surrogacy plan within the country. Hence, we can say that Surrogacy for HIV Albania is also permissible, on a condition that neither of the individuals involved in the arrangement carries a risk of passing the virus to the future child.

There are a variety of ways to reduce the risk of HIV transmission during IVF treatment. While it is possible to pursue surrogacy in Albania as a woman or man with HIV, it is necessary that you adhere to the provided list of precautions and recommendations by our surrogacy professionals at Gaia Fertility.  

Surrogacy for HIV in Albania: How does it works?

surrogacy for hiv in albania

No matter how powerful your immune system is or if you have no symptoms, the best thing you and your partner can do in this situation is to take the recommended precautions and medications on a daily basis and keep your viral load low.

Besides, as you are pursuing Surrogacy for HIV in Albania, you first need to reduce the possibility of a different strain of HIV being transmitted to your partner.

The risk of transmitting HIV to your baby or a different strain of the virus to your partner can be reduced in the same way that you can with serodifferent partners if you lower your viral load before trying to get pregnant.

There is less than 1% risk of transmission to a pregnancy with an undetectable viral load. Moreover, experts at our partner IVF clinics in Albania would treat any sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STIs or STDs) before embryo transfer in order to lessen the possibility of transmitting a different strain of HIV between partners.

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    Sperm washing process

    In order to separate the sperm from the seminal fluid, a process known as sperm washing is employed in Surrogacy for HIV in Albania. Seminal fluid contains HIV, but not sperm, hence eliminating sperm from the fluid minimizes the risk of HIV transmission in surrogacy.

    Fertilization via medical treatment or therapy is an example of this. When the prospective parent(s) require support to avoid HIV transmission between partners, are utilising donor sperm, or are having difficulties becoming pregnant, assisted reproduction (sometimes known as “assisted reproductive technology”) can help. Surrogacy for HIV Albania can be facilitated in a variety of ways, including the use of assisted reproduction.

    Using IUI to achieve conception

    An IUI procedure entails the use of a short, flexible tube to collect and then deliver the sperm directly into the uterus through an incision in the neck or cervix. Fertilisation occurs when sperm enters the uterus and reaches the egg.

    Using IVF

    The next option is IVF treatment where the eggs and sperm are mixed in a lab dish to fertilize the embryo. The eggs are extracted from the ovary of the women patient when they are ready (or ripe) given the ovaries stimulation process in prior. After fertilization, the embryo is put into the uterus of the woman as a part of the embryo transfer process.

    One of the most common methods of in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), involves injecting sperm into an egg using a tiny needle. Fertilized eggs are subsequently inserted into the female reproductive system. When a man’s sperm does not swim well or is irregularly shaped, this procedure is used during the Surrogacy for HIV.

    Do you need Egg donors or sperm donors during Surrogacy for HIV in Albania?

    surrogacy for hiv albaniaJust in case, due to random reasons, the woman having IVF is unable to use their own eggs, an egg donor could be brought on board for the entire process in this procedure. The woman donating her eggs receives fertility medications to aid in the fertilization of the eggs she is donating (also called ripening her eggs).

    As an HIV-positive woman, you have the option of having your partner’s sperm fertilize an HIV-negative woman’s egg and then having that HIV-negative woman give birth to your kid, or another woman. In order to ensure an HIV-negative surrogate, you would need to get the sperm of your male partner washed and cleansed before using it in one of the assisted reproductive techniques described above.

    Sperm and eggs are mixed together in a plate when the eggs are ready to be fertilized. Surrogate mother in Albania then carries a fertilized egg (embryo) inside her womb and waits for the pregnancy test.

    It is still important to take HIV drugs during surrogacy for HIV, despite the fact that this therapy utilizes HIV-negative sperm or eggs. The medical feasibility of having a woman living with HIV’s egg fertilized by a guy living with HIV’s cleansed sperm and implanted in an HIV-negative surrogate may be impeded by legal or regulatory barriers. Supervision and assistance from a well-known IVF or surrogacy facility, like Gaia Fertility, is required even if this option stands legal and permissible for the intended parents.

    How can we help?

    At Gaia Fertility, we always ensure that the entire process mentioned above is being undertaken under the supervision of highly qualified medical personnel. This is the sole reason that we put our best people to work with the help and support of our partner IVF centers and surrogacy clinics in Albania.

    Contact one of our client coordinators now for a free consultation!

     Surrogacy for HIV in Albania

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