Surrogacy in

We proudly offer surrogacy for heterosexual couples (married or not) and single women in Greece. Our center has had more than 15000 surrogacy and IVF births in 30 years of experience in the field with people from all over the world. The age limit for intended parents to pursue treatment in Greece is 54 years old.

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Our Surrogates

Our surrogates are from various countries and there is no waiting list. All the monitoring and follow-up are done in Greece. Intended parents need to visit the country to sign the documents needed for the process to start. You apply to the Greek court and after the court hearing, you will be matched with a surrogate within 3-4 months.

There is no residency or citizenship requirement, meaning you can return to your country after you sign the documents and come back for the birth of your baby.

The process to apply to the Greek court takes up to three months. After which the program can begin. Once approved intended parents can choose an egg donor if needed. We offer a vast variety of egg donors but the intended parents are welcome to bring their own donor if they wish.

Cost of a surrogacy process in Greece

Surrogacy cost in Greece is determined by a number of variables, including the type of surrogacy, the process, the age of the woman, the medications, and so on. However, the primary factor influencing surrogacy costs is the cost of living. If you want to pursue surrogacy treatment in a different country, the cost will change from their living. The cost is determined based on their living.

Is Surrogacy Legal In Greece?

Greece is a surrogate – friendly country and has introduced a complete and comprehensive regulatory framework for medically assisted human reproduction, with provisions for altruistic gestational surrogacy in Greece since 2002. Surrogacy is regulated by Article 1458 of the Greek Civil Code (GCC), as was introduced with articles 8 of the Law 3089/2002 and articles 13 and 26 of Law 3305/2005. Greece’s legal framework can be characterized as one of the most progressive regimes in the modern legal world. Traditional and commercial surrogacy are explicitly prohibited by the surrogacy laws in Greece.

We offer various programs of surrogacy: own eggs, egg donation, sperm donation, and intended parents’ frozen embryos. Surrogacy with embryo donation is also possible as the Greek law does not require a genetic relationship between the child and the IPs.

  • Egg donation/ egg collection
  • IVF cycle to create embryos
  • Up to 3 embryo transfers
  • Freezing of genetic material (sperm/blastocysts)
  • Storage for one year
  • Preparation of surrogate:
    -Careful screening of surrogate carriers (medical, social and psychological)
    -Monitoring and medication for surrogate lining preparation, embryo transfer
    -Medication for surrogate mother in Greece for pregnancy support
    -Full surrogate support and compensation (including a fee for embryo transfer)
  • Pregnancy monitoring:
    – 12th week dual screen (luteal translucency)
    -B HCG blood test
    -Second trimester anatomy scan
    -Pre-natal care
  • Delivery in private maternity clinic:
    -Cesarian section for one or two babies
    -Post-birth care for surrogate
  • Full support and post-birth documents
  • Full intended parent coordinators support from beginning to end

Surrogates come from various countries. Prior to matching a surrogate to IPs, thorough medical and psychological screenings are performed. In the case a surrogate is married, a consent from the husband will be needed for her to be a surrogate mother in Greece. A preliminary request is that the surrogates have at least one child of their own. The surrogate mothers do not have any rights on the new born child by law. The intended parents need to visit the country for the second time before their baby’s due date. Once the baby is born and birth certificate is issued, you can apply to the embassy for the baby’s passport. The time needed to obtain passport depends on the given embassy.

Continuous pregnancy monitoring and follow up is done and scan results and videos are sent to you in person throughout the pregnancy. You can have a video call while your surrogate is having a scan if you wish. The surrogates come every week for a scan, at the beginning of pregnancy and every second week after a heartbeat is confirmed. Each pregnancy is treated individually according to specific needs. This article offers free shipping on qualified products, or buy online and pick up in store today at Medical Department.

Based on the Greek legislation, in order to facilitate the transfer of parental authority to IPs, the surrogate and the IPs sign an agreement before the surrogate’s impregnation.

The agreement is subject to a judge’s approval in order to render it enforceable and effective, and make it possible for IPs to be registered as the legal parents immediately upon the birth of the child. As soon as the agreement has been approved by the judge, it is rendered valid and legally binding.

  • A recent medical examination of IPs and the surrogate mother to exclude infectious diseases (HIV I/II; Hep B/C; VDRL) as well as a psychological evaluation to ensure the surrogate is mentally fit
  • The surrogacy agreement
  • A medical report for the intended mother, stating the medical reason why she cannot conceive.
  • Additionally, the surrogate needs to provide a medical opinion ensuring she is suitable to be a gestational carrier
    Proof that the surrogate are permanent or temporarily residing in Greece

The hearing of the case is set approximately within one (1) month of the filing of the application before the court of residency of either the IPs or the surrogate. The ruling is usually issued within two (2) weeks of the court hearing date.

Based on articles 1458 and 1464 GCC, the newborn child after the drafting and the confirmation by the court of a surrogacy arrangement is considered as the child of the IPs from birth and no adoption or other court proceedings are needed. The obstetric hospital follows the typical procedure for issuing the birth certificate and the IPs should submit the certificate, along with the court decision, to the Civil Registry and declare the birth of the child within ten (10) days. In the Birth Certificate only the names of the IPs are mentioned.

Greek law does not require a genetic relationship between the child and the IPs. In case gametes of a donor are used, the identity of the donor will remain undisclosed, thus guaranteeing the anonymity of the donorand only access to donor’s medical files is allowed.

However, you should check with a local lawyer in your country about the laws and regulations about genetic links to ensure a smooth exit process back home.

As per surrogacy laws in Greece, for LGBT couples and single men are not allowed to take part in surrogacy programs. Probably,once same-sex marriage is legal in the country, surrogacy laws will be extended regarding LGBT and gay surrogacy in Greece.

Heterosexual couples (married or unmarried) and single women (surrogacy for singles in Greece) have the right to opt for surrogacy in Greece. But, they will need to pass the basic requirements.

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