How Surrogacy can get more affordable and available to everyone around?

There is no denying that surrogacy is a life-changing process for many couples and individuals craving parenthood. Yet, it always comes down to the higher cost of surrogacy across every part of the world. To many, surrogacy may cost hundreds to thousands of dollars and sometimes even go beyond their budget limits. This is where there is always a scope for minimizing the cost of surrogacy around the world so as to make it available for everyone around. In the following parts of this post, we will discuss such recommendations in detail.

How to minimize the cost of surrogacy

Cutting down the medical costs

We all know that medical costs comprise the largest part of the overall surrogacy cost. So, in case governments and authorities around the world want to minimize surrogacy costs, they have to focus on cutting down the medical costs all along.

Talking of medical costs may include costs towards procedures like IVF, egg donation, sperm donation, and various tests and diagnoses. While these facilities may come with a higher cost, governments can offer subsidies or discounts on such services from their end.

Also, they can set a standard rate for these services so that the agencies cannot increase the process on their own. This way, the average person who is not able to pursue these services can think of realizing their parenthood dreams via surrogacy. We also know that medical innovations can play a key role in cutting down the prices of these services.

surrogacy cost

So, with some significant investment towards these innovations, the government can indirectly work towards lowering the overall cost of surrogacy within a certain country.

More financial support and incentives

Up until now, not everyone can have access to government loans and grants given various factors. This way, they can never think of pursuing surrogacy given its higher price tag. Hence, governments can make sure to make available these loans and financial support to every part of society.

Even though they cannot make these services free, the government can eventually lower the interest rates and other aspects. On the other side, they can run programs with the help of various NGOs and institutions in order to spread awareness regarding such programs.

They can come up with initiatives where special discounts and rebates are provided to people who fulfill certain criteria while pursuing surrogacy. The options are endless and all it needs is some support and initiative from the government end.

Simplifying the process

There are times when the surrogacy procedure includes a list of elements and aspects. With this, the cost of surrogacy sometimes goes to another level. What governments can do here is to simplify the surrogacy process for everyone around. For example, any person who is looking for a surrogacy contract can simply get along on his own and need not pursue the services of a legal expert that charges a certain fee. On the other side, the laws and regulations can be simplified for gay couples and single parents. As of now, these set of people have to look for additional support and procedures in order to realize their parenthood goals via surrogacy. Also, the laws and restrictions are quite different in every country for heterosexual couples, gay couples, and single individuals.

Hence, there is an urgent need to simplify the procedures, the legalities, and other aspects for everyone, including gay and single people. This way, everyone can have access to surrogacy while not giving up on complications and related legal challenges on their way to parenthood.

Offering various insurance policies

As of now, not many countries have provisions in place to offer insurance options for surrogacy. Even if they do, these are limited to a specific set of individuals. This is where it is highly important for the governments to introduce insurance policies on discounts for everyone around.

Moreover, while defining the insurance policies, they can take into consideration the interests and the rights of the participants.

Even in the case of international surrogacy, such insurance policies can be of huge help to the intended parents and their financial plans for the surrogacy process. Hence, we can say that there’s an urgent need for the government to join hands with the private players in order to lay down a proper strategy in the same regard.

Promoting non-profit surrogacy agencies

There are certain countries where non-profit agencies are said to be helping numerous individuals and couples in realizing their parenthood goals. While this concept may not prove successful everywhere, it can help in countries with huge government support.

While the government can encourage the development of these agencies, they can further join hands to lower the cost of surrogacy for most of the people around. This way, the intended parents can save a huge chunk of money that they were otherwise spending on fees for these agencies.

Government officials can offer legal support, surrogate matching, and screening services to the intended parents. Moreover, they can provide end-to-end support right from the initial consultation till the birth of the child.  This should be especially helpful for people who could not afford the high cost of surrogacy earlier and can now look forward to their surrogacy aspirations.

Education and awareness is the key

Nothing will help lower the cost of surrogacy until each and every intended parent is aware of the various options available to them. That’s where the government can initiate various educational programs and campaigns to make such people aware of the various surrogacy alternatives.

Even though they are introducing various support programs, they have to inform and make aware the general individuals about it. This can get done via newspapers, TV, social media, or any other preferred mode around. While people in the urban areas are more aware to the advantages and alternatives related to surrogacy, not many people in rural areas know about it. This gap needs to get filled and it will eventually help in lowering the overall cost of surrogacy.

Final words

There is no denying that governments can play a key role in minimizing the cost of surrogacy. Yet, it will need some serious efforts and initiatives along with regular tracking and monitoring. With more awareness and alternatives around, people from every walk of life can think of pursuing surrogacy.

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